Behaviour and Expectations
Behaviour in and around the school is based on a set of clear, positive school rules with plenty of praise and recognition for good behaviour. Each classroom displays a behaviour ‘Stay on Green’ Chart which is a visual aid used to reinforce good behaviour. Certificates and raffle tickets are awarded to the children for both good learning and good behaviour. Certificates are handed out in our ‘Celebration’ whole school assembly every Friday. In addition to this, all classes have a behaviour learning contract. This is an agreement between the children and the adults over what will help them become good learners.
Children need regular reminders of behaviour and learning expectations and staff model these at all times as we expect the highest standards from our children. Teachers send children to the Head of School to be entered in the behaviour book if children persistently fail to comply with the school’s expectations. They are also sent to the Head of School if there are any serious breaches of school rules, such as, discriminatory incidents, violence, abusive behaviour etc. These incidents will be recorded.
Staff will call parents if there is reason to do so and this will be recorded. A meeting with the parent and staff member may follow.
Children are encouraged to share any concerns that they may have with their class teacher who will try to sort out any problems. Any major concerns will be referred to the Head teacher.
PSHE is used each week to address pastoral/behavioural problems, issues arising and to teach the children about their responsibilities toward each other.
We are a community consisting of staff, children and parents and it is important for all staff to foster a family community ethos, through showing a caring positive attitude to all children and working together as a team.