St Ann's CE Primary


Admissions Policy 2024-25

Admissions Policy 2025-26

Should you wish to apply for a Reception place for your child at St. Ann’s CE Primary School, you will need to apply in the Autumn Term the year before the September your child is due to start in Reception.

For children due to start in September 2024, applications must be made between 1st September 2023 and 15th January 2024.

Applications for places in St. Ann’s CE Primary School must be made on a Common Application Form from Haringey Council School Admissions. In addition to this a Supplementary Information Form must be completed and handed directly to the School. 

The Local Academy Committee is responsible for admissions into the school. Should there be more applications than places available the Governors will follow the admissions criteria set out at the bottom of this page.

Enquiries regarding the availability of places further up the school should be made to the School Administrator.

As with Reception admissions, applications for places in St. Ann’s CE Primary School can be made on a Common Application Form from Haringey Council School Admissions. Alternatively, you can complete the In-Year Application Form  which should be handed directly to the School Office. 


School Tours


 If you would like to join one of these tours, please call or email the School Office and we will be happy to book you in. Alternatively, the videos below offer virtual tours of Reception and Nursery

Please see this video for a virtual tour of ReceptionPlease see this video for a virtual tour of Nursery 



The Nursery at St. Ann’s CE Primary School has places for Part Time and Full Time children.

Full Time sessions run from 9am -3.30pm. Part-time places are flexible and can be a mix of mornings and afternoons across part or all of the week. Morning sessions run from 9.00 am until 12.00 pm and afternoon sessions start at 12.30 pm and finish at 3.30pm. A school Breakfast Club is available for all children from 7.15am daily.

The cost for a Full Time place is £90.15 a week.

Parents should note that a place in the Reception class is not guaranteed for children in the Nursery. Parents will need to apply for a place in the Reception class via the Local Authority.

An induction meeting for entry into the Nursery class is held each Summer Term of the year of admission in order that pupils and parents can meet the class teacher and the Nursery Nurse. At this meeting, details of the staggered entry system into the Nursery year will be made available to parents.

Nursery Application Form

2024-25 Admission Appeal Timetable 

Parents have a statutory right of appeal against the refusal of a place at the Academy. This applies to all year groups. Full details of the right of appeal will be set out in the formal letter notifying parents of the refusal of a place, including the deadline and process for lodging an appeal.

Haringey will inform families of the outcome of their application on in April 2024.

  • Deadline to submit Appeal: Friday 17th May 2024

  • Deadline to submit additional information for Appeal hearing: Tuesday 18th June 2024

  • Appeal hearing: Tuesday 25th June 2024

  • Appeal outcome, informed in writing week beginning: 1st July 2024



Parent(s) must produce the following documentary evidence to support the application:

  1. Proof of Address of Parent/Legal Guardian.
  2. Birth Certificate OR Passport belonging to the child.
  3.  For criteria 2-5 a completed School's Supplementary form (duly completed and signed in his own hand by the parish priest, minister or overseeing pastor) which confirms the parent's commitment to and regular involvement in worship at their church, so that governors can consider the application fully.

Parents are advised to urge their priest, minister or pastor to return the Supplementary application form on or before the deadline date.